Selected product image
New Horizons
  • Bruno van den Elshout (NL)


232 × 329 mm
212 pages
Flatbook in cassette
First edition: 2012
  • New Horizons - The Eriskay Connection
  • New Horizons - The Eriskay Connection
  • New Horizons - The Eriskay Connection
  • New Horizons - The Eriskay Connection
  • New Horizons - The Eriskay Connection
  • New Horizons - The Eriskay Connection
  • New Horizons - The Eriskay Connection
  • New Horizons - The Eriskay Connection
  • New Horizons - The Eriskay Connection
  • New Horizons - The Eriskay Connection
  • New Horizons - The Eriskay Connection
  • New Horizons - The Eriskay Connection
  • New Horizons - The Eriskay Connection
  • New Horizons - The Eriskay Connection
  • New Horizons - The Eriskay Connection

Concept and photography:
Bruno van den Elshout

Rob van Hoesel

Sebastiaan Hanekroot (Colour&Books)

LenoirSchuring (NL)

Bubu (CH)

On New Years Eve 2011 artist Bruno van den Elshout (NL) launches his camera-machine on the roof of a hotel on the beach in The Hague. His goal is to capture the North Sea-horizon one year round. In the middle of an economic crisis the horizon provides us with a stable and calming counterpart, such is his thought.

The camera-machine takes a picture of the horizon once every hour of 2012. That’s 8,785 images. When these images start to arrive from the machine, the horizon suddenly reveals his surprisingly overwhelming appearance. Gray, grim, ordinary, or wild, waving, with skies reminiscent of The Hague School paintings in the late 19th-century. Sometimes tranquil misty, unreal calm or bombastically colorful. The result is an incredibly surprising collection of images.

What began as a seemingly random idea grows through various exhibitions and beach expeditions into a major project; a work-of-art-in-book-form that reflects the adventure to which our own horizon invited us. 212 pages with 500 pictures of the horizon, rhythmically and melodically composed into a story without text.

With New Horizons, artist Bruno van den Elshout tells the story of adventure and how to fully enter it. How it arises, how it unfolds and where it takes you. About courage, doubt and discovery. How bold steps can transform into giant strides. On how to make work of your dreams.

Bruno van den Elshout works as an artist and shapes idiosyncratic art and research projects that invite essential encounters of/with/between people, ideas and worlds, with the intention of exploring and practising constructive and sustainable ways of living and working together.

  • European Design Awards 2015 (gold medal)
  • Dutch Design Awards 2015 (nominee)
  • Best Dutch Book Designs 2014

“Buddhism manifested in a book with a strong emotional overtone. The concept, whereby a single place exists of 8785 images, seems to convey how much can be found in silence. The committee considers it admirable that the designer in all the hustle and bustle of daily life found the time to make such a meaningful and labour-intensive book. Very carefully made, both in binding and printing, and made possible through crowdfunding.” (from the jury report)

Dutch Design Awards 2015

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